Our Mascot
‘Freshwater Jax’
Not only are we water lovers at Freshwater Pressure Washing, but also dog lovers. We realize that all dogs are wonderful companions and can all be somewhat quirky in their own special way. With that said, words cannot express the bond that me, my family and our close friends have with the most amazing, smart, dorky, unique, loving, ‘feeling’ dog that I have ever met in my lifetime. For those of you who have had the pleasure to meet our Jax, you absolutely know what I am talking about. For those who do not know him yet, you don’t realize what you’re missing!
I totally believe that he is more human-like than some people I have known throughout my life. And if he could speak, I guarantee that he would hold actual conversations with everyone and probably make us feel foolish because he’s smarter than us! Jax seems to feel every emotion that anyone might exhibit, and therefore he has also helped me through some very stressful times when I needed it most (I probably do talk to him too much).
In addition, my son has taken this inherently smart bird-dog and groomed him to be an intensely relentless duck-dog out in the freezing temperatures of Lake Erie. He is our one-of-a-kind GSP (German Shorthaired Pointer), and if you haven’t noticed, he even seems to know when and how to pose for the camera! I could go on and on about our Freshwater Jax… but I hope you will have the pleasure to get to know him yourself instead.
Truly, man’s best friend. So blessed that he picked us.
Jax’s People